23 Dezember 2011


almost a shame. hahaha. ich liiiiiiiebe schminksachen, wie man sehen kann. dieses foto ist jetzt etwa 1.5 monate alt & mittlerweile sind wieder viiiiiiele sachen dazugekommen. unter anderem 5 blushes & 4 pure glam pigments von zoeva, die gestern eben erst angekommen sind. somit hab ich 12 pure glam pigments & ihr könnt mir glauben, ich LIEBE sie alle!

 die paletten sind alle von zoeva, in der schachtel rechts aussensind meine foundations, puder & concealer, daneben die lidschattenbox, die 3. kiste von rechts ist voller lippenstifte, lipglosse & labellos, in der 4. sind alles tester & auch originale von lancome. das chaos daneben sind noch kajals, mascaras & so sachen.

ausserdem hab ich noch ein amu ausgegraben, ist auch schon etwas länger her :)
meine augenbrauen sind mittlerweile auch wieder gezupft hahahaha

zoeva nude palette
liquid eye liner von uma
doll eyes & hypnose drama mascara von lancome

ich wünsche euch einen schönen abend & bis bald <3


05 Dezember 2011

sometimes I run, sometimes I hide.

Some people try to find happiness in their life. But I know it’s not the right way. Happiness comes to you, when you live your life. When you do the things that your heart told you. When you try to solve your problems,. When you talk to your friends, if you’re not happy in life. Stay yourself. Don’t try to be someone else.

That day showed me that everyone has got a problem. It’s not always just me. I knew it before, but I never saw it like that. It’s quite difficult to describe it. It’s a special feeling..

Everyone has a happy end in love. Or at work, with friends,, at school,, with family… You just should open your eyes! Perhaps your big love is somebody, you already know. Perhaps you just should write one letter, to find a good work. Perhaps you should spend more time with your friends. Perhaps you should learn more for exams. Perhaps is your family all you’ve got. Perhaps you should stay with them in good and in bad times.

I’m sure every bad thing happened for a good reason,. Maybe you have to take seven looks to see it. Or maybe you just realize it, when it happened long time ago…

01 November 2011

we say goodbye in the pouring rain and I break down as you walk away. stay | if you don’t come back tomorrow I’ll be left here in the cold. if you don’t come back tomorrow I’ll go.

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can’t describe how I feel. more than happy. it was a honor to visit this concert and to meet theo and adam. unfortunately the picture with adam isn’t good. I am talking and my eyes are closed and adam looks very tired. this guys are so nice! I hope I’ll get the chance to meet them again someday.
